Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Army Physical Fitness Test

On 27 April 2010, at approximately 7:30 am, I, Cody James Littlefield BRONSONED the Army Physical Fitness Test. I take this as evidence that Charlie Bronson's "Solitary Fitness",, is a tried and true fitness regimen. Allow me to explain. The Army Physical Fitness test involves 2 minutes of press-ups, 2 minutes of sit-ups, and a 2 mile run for time. By studying Mr. Bronson's "Solitary Fitness" I was able to achieve a near perfect score. Now, I'm not a scientist or anything, but through rigourous research I must attribute this amazing increase in physical fitness to Charles Bronson of Luton, UK.

Watch this

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A little explanation

This blog will guide those who seek guidance on the path of becoming AWESOME. And by that I mean becoming more like Bronson. You will learn things like the SOLITARY COW PUNCH, how to throw punches powerful enough to break through bullet-proof glass, how to OWN Luton, how to convert to Islam then denounce it and GET AWAY WITH IT EASILY. Plus many many more skills.

This blog will include tips, tricks, and lessons on how to be Bronson-like.

Until next time, I will leave you with this quote of wisdom:
"YOU CUNT!" - Charles Bronson